Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Loose Ends
I have a few bits of thoughts and pictures that are never enough for an individual post so I just mash them every month or so into an uber-post. It's never too interesting or noteworthy, so feel free to skip.......

First on the loose end agenda is my annual furnace freeze out. I always try to see how long we can hold out before I flip the furnace switch, but we finally had to turn it on last week. I always want to wait until November 1st, but I think my pipes might have frozen if I did that this year (it's cold!). I'm really not sure why I make such a production of turning on the furnace (I'm sure normal people don't). I think it's two-fold... 1) Turning on the furnace acknowledges that winter is coming and that is a tad depressing to me. and 2) I hate to give the utility company my money. I did finally relent, but thankfully, the furnace has only turned on a couple of times (the spray insulation in the house is spectacular!).

Second, in a spirit of bi-partisanship, I figured I would post this photo. Oh, how I love photoshop! As the campaign season wraps up, I think we should be in more of a "kumbaya" mode. Thinking of politics gives me a headache right now; I have no fight left in me. So no whining about the photo. After all, Palin's head was stuck on a good body (if we could only all be so fortunate!) and Obama is in the dorky tight pants.
Third, I've been meaning to post a link about how I spent a large chunk of my summer. So here it is...
This home was in need of a bit of work. The owners/ investors lived out of state so I handled the construction management this summer. It was fun to do something a little different but by the end of the summer my kids were sick of going to the "new building house". Thankfully, the work is now done and the home is listed. If you know anyone moving to the area, or in search of an upgrade, have them call me.... =)
Lastly, everyone has been asking how the dog is. She's fine. She has her pros and cons, which I have been mulling over in my head. I'll probably write it out in a week or so. I don't mean for it to sound so negative, she's a great little puppy, but it's still an adjustment for everyone (especially me, the person who wakes up early to take her out). After all, she's only been here for two weeks, I need a little more time to form my thoughts on the matter. Here's a cute picture of her cuddling with the kids (she figured out how to get up on the couch and there's no going back....)....

First on the loose end agenda is my annual furnace freeze out. I always try to see how long we can hold out before I flip the furnace switch, but we finally had to turn it on last week. I always want to wait until November 1st, but I think my pipes might have frozen if I did that this year (it's cold!). I'm really not sure why I make such a production of turning on the furnace (I'm sure normal people don't). I think it's two-fold... 1) Turning on the furnace acknowledges that winter is coming and that is a tad depressing to me. and 2) I hate to give the utility company my money. I did finally relent, but thankfully, the furnace has only turned on a couple of times (the spray insulation in the house is spectacular!).

Second, in a spirit of bi-partisanship, I figured I would post this photo. Oh, how I love photoshop! As the campaign season wraps up, I think we should be in more of a "kumbaya" mode. Thinking of politics gives me a headache right now; I have no fight left in me. So no whining about the photo. After all, Palin's head was stuck on a good body (if we could only all be so fortunate!) and Obama is in the dorky tight pants.
Third, I've been meaning to post a link about how I spent a large chunk of my summer. So here it is...
This home was in need of a bit of work. The owners/ investors lived out of state so I handled the construction management this summer. It was fun to do something a little different but by the end of the summer my kids were sick of going to the "new building house". Thankfully, the work is now done and the home is listed. If you know anyone moving to the area, or in search of an upgrade, have them call me.... =)
Lastly, everyone has been asking how the dog is. She's fine. She has her pros and cons, which I have been mulling over in my head. I'll probably write it out in a week or so. I don't mean for it to sound so negative, she's a great little puppy, but it's still an adjustment for everyone (especially me, the person who wakes up early to take her out). After all, she's only been here for two weeks, I need a little more time to form my thoughts on the matter. Here's a cute picture of her cuddling with the kids (she figured out how to get up on the couch and there's no going back....)....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Caesar Revised
We came.....

We scooped.....

We carved....

We scared the dog....

We took a looooong time (well, Sam did)......

We are ready for Halloween.....

From left to right the pumpkins owners are Tom, Allie, Sam, Pete, and Matt. I couldn't find candles so the picture is not so great (sorry!). Plus the kids took so long carving their pumpkins that they had to go to bed soon after. I'll try to get a photo of them with their pumpkins soon.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Consumers Unite
I keep getting annoying phone calls. Either my car warranty is about to expire (on a car we got rid of two years ago) or I need to press "1" to get a better rate on my credit card (we stopped using credit cards five years ago).
It's especially tough because in order to get off their list, it takes up lots of my time, only to get the call a couple days later. I was researching a call I received today and was on the website callferrett.com. It's a great website because you can get lots of information quickly from other consumers who have done legwork already on the same phone number. In addition to some information about the vendor, one person posted this crank call played on a telemarketer; it's brutally funny. After receiving two annoying calls today, I only feel a little sorry for the telemarketer. =)
ps- I do NOT know how to post videos! I have tried and tried and even looked up on the tutorials. argh! If anyone knows how to do this let me know.....
pps- I still can't post videos, but at least I learned how to add links....
It's especially tough because in order to get off their list, it takes up lots of my time, only to get the call a couple days later. I was researching a call I received today and was on the website callferrett.com. It's a great website because you can get lots of information quickly from other consumers who have done legwork already on the same phone number. In addition to some information about the vendor, one person posted this crank call played on a telemarketer; it's brutally funny. After receiving two annoying calls today, I only feel a little sorry for the telemarketer. =)
ps- I do NOT know how to post videos! I have tried and tried and even looked up on the tutorials. argh! If anyone knows how to do this let me know.....
pps- I still can't post videos, but at least I learned how to add links....
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Origami Originals
It's been a while since the last post. The puppy has sucked away many of my free moments. She's doing well though. She sometimes has accidents in the home, but now will use the pee pad that has been placed near the back door. This is in addition to the eight times a day I take her out! It's amazing to me that such a small dog can be a vessel for such a large amount of excrement. Although, I must admit that I would rather if she has an accident that it occurs on the pee pad rather than the floor! Sorry, I don't mean for this post to be about dog pee and poo! It is a big chunk of where my attention is nowadays though.
Anyhoo, my friend Kristina came to visit us and the puppy yesterday afternoon. While we chatted, she worked on some gifts for Christmas (She is so prepared! I'm hoping if I hang around with her enough it will rub off on me.). One of her projects includes origami birds. Well, you can't fold pretty paper without drawing the attention of my two little kids (and probably the big ones had they been home). Before Kristina knew what was happening, she was swarmed and barraged with questions and requests. Kristina probably didn't get as much done as she would have hoped during our visit, but my kids were thrilled. They wanted to make some origami inspired art. I didn't have any special origami paper of my own, but they made do with the standard issue. Here are the picts below...

Here are the kids holding their art. Allie has a bird Kristina made for her and Tommy made a "bowling ball return".....
Anyhoo, my friend Kristina came to visit us and the puppy yesterday afternoon. While we chatted, she worked on some gifts for Christmas (She is so prepared! I'm hoping if I hang around with her enough it will rub off on me.). One of her projects includes origami birds. Well, you can't fold pretty paper without drawing the attention of my two little kids (and probably the big ones had they been home). Before Kristina knew what was happening, she was swarmed and barraged with questions and requests. Kristina probably didn't get as much done as she would have hoped during our visit, but my kids were thrilled. They wanted to make some origami inspired art. I didn't have any special origami paper of my own, but they made do with the standard issue. Here are the picts below...

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Here's the newest addition to the Morgan Clan....

Kiko (pronounced Kee- Ko) is short for Akiko (Japanese for "Autumn's Child") and McBubbles is to pacify the contingency that wanted to name her Bubbles. She's one of the sweetest dogs I have ever met. She came late on Friday night and seems to have settled in nicely. Thankfully, she's doing great with housetraining. We had thought we might want to litterbox train her (because we thought she might be too small for the harsh winters outside) but we decided to have her go outside once the vet told us she won't be as small as we had suspected. Since we started to have her go outside, she has not had an accident inside (thank goodness!).
We've learned a lot about her over the weekend, for one, she loves to play outside. We've also learned she has fleas and tapeworms! We wound up taking her first thing Saturday morning to the vet. As a result, the kids have not handled her yet (there's a moratorium until Tuesday), but they can play with her via toys (and a healthy dose of hand washing).
Even with all the excitement, she's very mellow and sweet. She's fun, playful, whimpers when the kids leave the room, and she already has her special bed in her special spot. She's settled in very well. Now we just need to get her to sleep through the night.... it's funny, I thought we were past that in life....
Here are some photos of "Kiks" over the last couple of days. The first two photos were taken before the discovery of the tapeworms and fleas, as a result, our carpet is still in the living room and Bobby is holding her in these picutres....

Kiko is 3/4 pug and 1/4 chihuahua and is currently 6.5 pounds at 12 weeks. The vet thinks she'll get around 12 to 14 pounds. Her face is mostly pug, but her body and tail has a lot of chihuahua in it. It's a really cute combination. Her tummy is still a little bloated from the tapeworm but it's getting better....

As you can see from the photos, she's definitely settling in! More photos to follow...

Kiko McBubbles Morgan
Kiko (pronounced Kee- Ko) is short for Akiko (Japanese for "Autumn's Child") and McBubbles is to pacify the contingency that wanted to name her Bubbles. She's one of the sweetest dogs I have ever met. She came late on Friday night and seems to have settled in nicely. Thankfully, she's doing great with housetraining. We had thought we might want to litterbox train her (because we thought she might be too small for the harsh winters outside) but we decided to have her go outside once the vet told us she won't be as small as we had suspected. Since we started to have her go outside, she has not had an accident inside (thank goodness!).
We've learned a lot about her over the weekend, for one, she loves to play outside. We've also learned she has fleas and tapeworms! We wound up taking her first thing Saturday morning to the vet. As a result, the kids have not handled her yet (there's a moratorium until Tuesday), but they can play with her via toys (and a healthy dose of hand washing).
Even with all the excitement, she's very mellow and sweet. She's fun, playful, whimpers when the kids leave the room, and she already has her special bed in her special spot. She's settled in very well. Now we just need to get her to sleep through the night.... it's funny, I thought we were past that in life....
Here are some photos of "Kiks" over the last couple of days. The first two photos were taken before the discovery of the tapeworms and fleas, as a result, our carpet is still in the living room and Bobby is holding her in these picutres....

As you can see from the photos, she's definitely settling in! More photos to follow...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Time's Up

#1) We will not consider costumes or decorate for Halloween until after October 1st. I think my mom used to do that too. As a child, we had some "Trick or Treat" album that, on one side, had Donald Duck, his nephews, and Witch Hazel involved in some silly Halloween antics and on the other side had Ron Howard starring in a more scary haunted house tale. The haunted house album side always scared me. I remember that we would listen to that album starting October 1st and keep going strong right up through Halloween. After the 31st, it was shelved again. I think if my mother had to listen to that album all year long, she would have gone insane. It's her wisdom I try to emulate for my self-preservation.
#2 Final costume decisions must be submitted by the evening of October 15th. At that time they are written down and are set. If any child changes his or her mind, the new costume can be considered for next year. This is just experience. Many a year I have started working on a costume only to have a child vehemently change their mind and I'm stuck.
So, tonight all the costumes were dragged out and the decisions have been made. There were some 11th hour decision changes, but we are done (phew!). I'll make sure to post the final pictures on the "big day".
ps- I now have the Donald Duck Halloween song running through my head.... "Trick or treat, Trick or treat. Trick or treat for Halloween. So give a treat that you'd like to eat if you want to keep life serene!". Did anyone else besides my family own that album?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Indian Summer

I love when the kids run joyfully towards the playground....

The kids loved the "spinney thing" (What is that called anyway? Is it a merry-go-round?)...

Allie wanted her turn too, just a little slower (much to the dismay of the others)...

Tom liked spinning on this wheel too. I just noticed his jeans are unbuttoned...

Allie is getting to be a great climber. No one ever notices her climbing ability though, they just notice her flashy shoes (courtesy of Aunt Tammy)...

Nothing too exciting, just a nice lazy day....
Monday, October 13, 2008
Did I say Tuesday?... and other ponderings

On a brighter note (but maybe not), If I have taken the handmade pledge, can I still buy gifts at the police auction? I will not be perpetuating any corporate greed as the companies have already had their share of the pie from the initial sale, but think it might be not in complete harmony of the "spirit" of a handmade Christmas. Can you knit an ipod?
Talk amongst yourselves.....
Sunday, October 12, 2008

We were hoping she would be here today but the weekend airline schedule was not ideal for live cargo (long travel times for little puppies). Her sibling was sent today to LA and she traveled in the car in case we could find a flight schedule that would work.
This picture was just sent today. I'm hoping the next pictures you see of her are of my kids holding her.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Handmade Pledge

I'm starting to plan now to ensure I can do this, I hope that's enough time. My only challenge is I'm not talented in the "handmade department". So those of you on the receiving end of my gifts need to keep that in mind. They were made with love, and love alone will be the appeal of the gift. My only issue is that one gift has already been purchased and it was not handmade. You will know who you are when you receive your gift.... it's quite obvious. So, wish me luck as I venture into the unknown of gift creation. I hope you all like your macaroni necklaces!
ps- Note the absence of any political talk. *pat on the back*
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Taco Flavored Kisses
I've been meaning to post this for a while but figured now would be a great time (it's a buffer for the next post- you've been warned). I love good mexican food!!! I also love the convenience of a healthy lunch in my freezer so voila!.... Freezer burritos. Kristina and I spent an afternoon a few weeks ago compiling these beauties. They are SO yummy! So if you're ever in the neighborhood, come on over and I'll feed you a burrito!

Stoking the Flames
I can't help it... I just can't. I know I shouldn't post this considering the past strong reaction, but I'm still drawn to do so. Perhaps it's the rabble-rouser in me.... I don't know. I want you to know that it's really nothing personal or intended to offend to anyone, I just find it so darned amusing that it's calling to me.......I promise this is the last one!

No comments necessary.... I know how y'all feel! =)

No comments necessary.... I know how y'all feel! =)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
New sleeping postition *UPDATED*
I've been documenting Allie's unusual sleeping circumstances and I have a good one from yesterday. My in-laws came home with fresh corn from a nearby stand. The kids gathered around for their share of corn and then brought it back to our part of the house to eat. When I walked in everyone was seated around the table with their corn except Allie. Here she is.....

I'm sure you're wondering what horrible parent allows such a child to live in a constant exhausted state. Well, the answer is I'm the horrible parent that would allow such a thing to occur, but she won't take a nap (obviously she does, but not when I want her to). I have to pick my battles. I won't have her screaming for an hour at nap time to "get out of bed" and then hate going to bed. So instead she falls asleep at 5pm with corn on her neck. Lovely, isn't it?
Update 10/8- Instead of adding another post, I'll just tack on these pictures from yesterday. The food of the day was banana.....

Update 10/8- Instead of adding another post, I'll just tack on these pictures from yesterday. The food of the day was banana.....

Monday, October 6, 2008
Harried Post

I picked up some barrettes at the store today to pull her hair back. Allie, wanting to make up for lost time, decided she wanted all of the barrettes in her hair at once! My friend Kim from college has posts of her kid's hair beautifully styled... this is not that post!
It's a start that she let me brush her hair though.

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Gosh Darned, Apple Pickin' Pooped

A respite in all this was Beth and the kids came and visited me yesterday and we went out to dinner together, it was fabulous.... but I forgot to take pictures! Sorry Beth!
So I document apples instead. =(
I made six big pies and three mini pies over the last few days and ran out of sugar and flour. With the remaining apples we sauced them! Matt got in the apple spirit and decided to work the crank....

He got a good upper arm workout in....

Tommy was excited with the activity and wanted in on the "TA DA" photo....

Until next year apples....
Friday, October 3, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008
The Apples of My Eye
I love this time of year. The air has a fresh, spicy smell, the leaves are bursting with color in the trees and crunching under my kids boots on the sidewalk, and the apples are ripe and ready to be picked. I'm fortunate enough to have a sister-in-law who 1) has a beautiful apple orchard and 2) lets me on her property. I picked apples with Kristina yesterday while "the bigs" were at school. The best part of Mary's orchard were all the cool tools she has to pick apples.
Tom and Allie came with us too and had a great time. They both ran around and ate apples....
They also were trying to climb trees. Both needed a few rescues but Tommy had a better time of it than Allie......
Allie, however, did recover....
We picked about two bushels and they are currently sitting in my car. Every time I sit in my car, it smells like an orchard. Up next, apple pies. MMM-mmmmmm!

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