Besides having too many snails in the tank and it in dire need of a cleaning, not much has been going on.... until last Saturday!
Bobby and I were going out on a date that evening. The babysitter had arrived. Right before departure, Matt noticed a morbid sight in the tank. One of the guppies had died and was upside down laying on the bottom of the tank... completely motionless.
I was in a hurry and figured that the fish was not going anywhere so I told the kids I would clean the fish out when I got home. I was half hoping Bob the crayfish would discover the guppy and eat him. He should earn his keep.
Of course I forgot to clean out the fish when I got home, but remembered first thing in the morning. When I got to the tank, I noticed there was no fish at the bottom of the tank. Where the HECK was the fish!? There was no evidence to suggest Bob had been picking at him. Had the kids removed the fish in my absence? Not very likely...
I then realized the fish was swimming around!!! Yes, from dead with glazed over eyes to swimming and eating fish food! During this season of Lent, we have our own mini miracle. I move to rename our little guppy "Lazarus".