Long night of work. I had to list a couple of homes last night and it can be involved when I have to sift through many photos so I have yet to go to bed. Normally, after I finish working, I would go to bed, but I started jogging in the early morning (not sure you can quite call it jogging but...) with a buddy named Gigi. We just started the regimen too so I hate to break routine. Not to mention I don't know Gigi's cell phone and I sure as heck can't call this early at her home and say I'm not coming.
Plus, I really want to stay on regimen. My life is so fluid, it's hard to predict my schedule, which makes it hard to stick to any diet or exercise routine but hey... I'm sure other people suffer more than I have suffered in order to jog. So I type to stay awake the half an hour prior to my jog.
Does this seem like rambling? It feels like I'm typing gobbledygook. My brain is a bit cloudy. Anywho, things here are good. The summer heat has kicked in a bit. A welcome change from the cold rainy days a week ago. Something interesting happened though. A phenomenon of sorts...
My boys decided shirts are now optional. I'm not quite sure where they picked that up from. Bobby does not walk around with his shirt off and I sure as heck don't. They just started, as if they had a secret code or something and, as if on cue, the shirts disappeared.
And of course what's good for the ganders....
Is also good for my goose. She refuses to wear a shirt at home. Not quite sure what to do about that, if anything. I do feel like I'm at the French Riviera though....
15 minutes 'till jogging. Hopefully bed after....
I realized that the last post had no pictures of Sam. There does seem to be an unequal number of photos of the younger two versus the rest of the gang. I do my best to have equal coverage, but let's face it, some of my kids are just cuter than others (yes... I was just kidding... they are all equally ugly).
This photo is from last Friday. Sam just passed level two in swim lessons. He was really excited. We now have Tom in level 2, Sam in level 3, and Matt in level 4. Good times...

A few weeks ago Pete celebrated his 12th birthday... yes... 12th birthday. It's really hard to believe I am old enough to have a 12 year-old. Wasn't I just 12? Where does the time go? *sigh*
This year Pete opted out of a friend party and honestly, after last year's sleep-over, I was very relieved. Pete wanted a family overnight party to a local indoor water park. I happily agreed. Of course there is no photographic evidence of this event, nor will there ever be any photographs of us (me) in our bathing suits. However, I did take photos of his birthday night. We made some cupcakes and had a family gathering to mark the big day. Here's the gang acting goofy...
Hmmmm. Houston, we have a problem. Ok, let's try this one....Here's Allie drooling over the birthday cupcakes (lemon flavored)....
Ok, then I think I need a new camera... =( Anyway... Happy Birthday Pete!!!
It was apparent a few months ago that Allie's pack and play just wasn't cutting it for suitable bedding. Honestly, it was probably never suitable, but that's just how we roll... pack and plays for all the babies.
I was lamenting over the decision of whether I wanted to purchase a regular twin sized bed or a toddler bed. I had decided on the twin and started shopping craigslist. I had even found the bed I wanted to purchase and just not had the chance to drive the twenty minutes to pick it up.
Everything changed when I drove by a street I don't travel too often and saw a perfect toddler bed with a sign that said "free". I immediately pulled over, folded down my back seat, and crammed the bed in. Those are the days I love having a minivan... I can stuff any junk I discover at a moment's notice. So here are the fruits of my trash picking labor. I really love free stuff....
Allie was so excited to have her new bed she wanted to go to sleep right away. Here she is "sleeping"... very cute.
Ok. It's been a while. I'm very sorry. Life has been quite busy and work has been really crazy too. Plus I can play mafia wars with my nephew on Facebook. It makes it tough to keep this blog up to date. I'm going to only look forward now though and make no more excuses.
Actually, I'm going to look back a bit... I have a bunch of pictures to upload.... starting tomorrow. =)
ps- Isn't this stock photo so dorky? I think it's funny...