Allie started pre-school on Monday and she couldn't be more excited. Here she is...

It's my birthday today. As a lover of the absurd, I'm posting this failblog snippet... I know no one else likes that blog, but it's my birthday... I can do what I want. =P
Oh wait. It's just Allie waking up with a bloody nose. I thought she and Kiko had been hanging out too much...
**Warning!** Gross pictures to follow (well, just one really). It might make you hate my dog more than you do now.
My life is not normal. It just isn't. It's noisy, sometimes chaotic, and always full of activity. One Saturday, about a month ago, I was upstairs folding clothes when I heard some squeaking noises outside, like one of Kiko's toys. I also heard my kids outside running around shouting.... typical Saturday.
Sam then came running upstairs and told me that Kiko was eating a baby mouse. At first I thought he was just joking. I then came downstairs and saw my kids crowded around an area near the foundation of our house (I grabbed my camera when I saw the little guy)....

Lola had uncovered a rabbit's nest while gardening and most of the rabbit's had scattered. Only two rabbits had remained huddled, that is, until Kiko discovered them. When I found Kiko, she was happily gnawing away on the other rabbit....
When the kids realized the Kiko had not caught a baby mouse but rather a baby rabbit they were devastated...
As hard as I tried, I could not get that rabbit away from Kiko. She ran away from me, and when she realized I was not going to stop pursuing her, she started chewing and gnawing on the rabbit faster... until she had swallowed the whole thing!!!
It was perhaps the most disgusting thing I have ever seen, and I truly feared that there would be some future cleanup involved with my dog swallowing a whole rabbit. I didn't want to let the dog in the house for fear of a future mess, but I didn't want her going for seconds either, so we rescued the other bunny and kept the dog outside... for hours. We named the survivor Mopsy. We figured Peter Rabbit got away... he's too smart to get caught....
As cute as the bunny was, I wanted to get it to the small animal rescue center before any more disaster befell upon our home. The only snag was I had to show a house prior to dropping the bunny off at the shelter. I didn't think it would be a problem considering it was huddled in a ball for all of the time we had seen it and figured it would be fine in a flimsy shoe box. However, it came to life as I was driving out to my showing appointment and almost got loose. I then had to show the house, slightly disheveled, while holding the baby bunny in a box. Thank goodness I have understanding clients. My life is definitely not normal....
I look at Kiko a bit differently now. She's changed now too; she's a hunter and will now chase squirrels, birds, or deer that wander into our yard. Just last week, she caught a toad, chewed it up a bit, and left it in the driveway for me to discover. I guess it does not taste as good as a rabbit.
Perhaps there was a mistake about what breed she is.... 3/4 pug, 1/4 rottweiler?....
So many posts in one week? I know, it's crazy. Honestly, the real reason I am posting so many pictures is because I am looking for a picture of my gas dryer that I want to sell on Craigslist. I know it's here somewhere, but in the meantime, while sorting through the photos, I figured I should post some up on the blog.
Anywho, Allie loves to draw, loves to write her name, loves anything that allows her to to take a writing instrument and put it to use. Lately, her favorite writing instrument has been chalk. Allie now knows all the letters in her name and loves to write it all over. She switches her "e" and "i" and writes as if it were a mirror, but still, not bad for a three year-old. I think her handwriting is better than mine already....