Out of the Fog
Well, the family bug finally caught up with me late last week. I was functioning, but barely. Thankfully, Bobby was home last week (and yesterday and today too). He was hit harder but we were able to take shifts with the kids until I got back on my feet. I had the rare opportunity to sleep last week during the day which is a strange experience. When I sleep during the day my dreams are weirder and I remember them better. I felt like Homer Simpson after he ate the Guatemalan pepper grown by mental patients at the chili cook-off. My most vivid dream was that I was trying to write a book equivalent to "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" but my habits were things like "Eat leftover canned frosting out of the tub with your index finger" (it does taste better on your finger rather than a spoon). I could not think of anything useful. I guess I won't write self help books anytime soon! The kitchen cabinets are being installed today. I hope to post pictures by Friday.
Hey! I think that's a great habit to have. You should write a book!
I hope you guys all feel better soon. I think this winter has been REALLY bad with bugs. I know five people who have gotten pneumonia this year, four of them kids.
You & I must love sweets or something. I never remember my dreams, but last week I dreamt that Eva Longoria made me a wedding cake that cost $1,500 and it was tiny. It was one layer, 8x8. She said it cost so much because it had mayonnaise and sour cream in it : )
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