Thursday, March 20, 2008


I know people have enjoyed reading "Life as a Courtier" over and over again but figured it was time to post something new. I'm starting to become my sister Beth who I believe has three posts this year (don't give me the "I'm 10 months pregnant excuse" Beth, you are on bed rest, you can type) =). Life has been really busy lately and I'm usually found either at a Lowe's or a Home Depot (they know me by name at the Home Depot). Real estate has picked up too. It's a double marathon I'm running here and if anyone has ever seen me run, they know that's not a pretty sight.

I have lots of updates but for now I wanted to post the pictures of something my kids love.... Grom club. We have a skate park in the area called Xtreme Wheels. It's a really cool place, I wish I had something like this when I was a kid. Anyhoo... once a month they have Grom Club where they close the skate park to the public and allow kids thirteen years old and under to skate for free. They also hand out prizes and have free food and drinks. This last Saturday was Grom Club. Pete looks forward to it all month. Here's a couple pictures of the park... there are lots of different ramps that you can't really see from the pictures but it's accessible for all levels of skill.

Here's Pete about to drop into a ramp. Whenever I tried to get a picture of him on the ramp, the camera was having a hard time focusing and it did not work out too well.

Here's Sammy on a ramp. It's tough to see him, but he's the little spec with the gray hood in the middle of the ramp.

Matt is selective about which ramps he likes to use and the one he really likes was being used a lot so he decided to skate on the flat areas.

He also wanted me to take a picture of him doing one of his favorite tricks.... popcorn. I know anyone who has ever skateboarded would get a grin out of this one.

Here are the kids lined up for their tickets for the prize drawing. Everyone gets a prize. They range from hats, t-shirts, stickers, posters, and candy to some more crazy prizes like jars of pickles and facial soap. They have a booby prize for the person who has the last prize drawn. The kids love it.

Normally the little guys would stay home with Bobby, but he was out of town this past weekend so they came with me. They seemed to enjoy the pizza, cookies, and drinks.

Here's the next skater chick of the family.


Stuart and Kimber said...

I have to admit I was starting to get a little worried.

That place looks way cool!

cosmo said...

Wow!! That place looks really cool! Your kids are lucky...Myles would LOVE that!

The Morgan Family said...

you should come out sometime.

cosmo said...

i was just thinking that this morning! We don't have anything like that. He is very new to skating though, would he be ok there? can you let me know when the next one is? (the next one you guys are going to, that is...)Your boys look so cute & comfortable on a skateboard! Already better than I ever was!