Besides noting my paltry accomplishment, I have a birthday wrap-up as well... I truly feel like I have been run over by a train. It was an action-packed day yesterday which ended with a meltdown last night from Tom, and Allie's slight sniffles morphing into a full blown cold. The big guys are tired but doing ok. The day went pretty much as planned, except for dinner.
We had to get our dinner tacos to go because Allie was under the weather. When I came home I discovered that Matt's taco had sour cream on it (big problem). There was huge pressure on this day to have it executed perfectly and sour cream was not part of the plan. I realized as Matt's eyes were welling up that I would have to return to get new tacos. Despite the dinner hitch, everything else went swimmingly.
I love that Matt loves to plan his day, but to be perfectly honest, I wish his birthday was at the end of the birthday marathon. He sets such a high standard, and gets all the other kids in a birthday frenzy. Tommy is now planning his day (bigger and better, of course). It's almost all he talked about yesterday. Oh well.... one down, four to go.
I forgot my camera for the bounce house facility and for the Pokemon league (surprise, surprise) but I remembered to take a picture of the birthday boy blowing out the candles of his rice krispy treat cake. Here's my big-shot-nine-year-old blowing out his candles...