Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New Game

Tommy made up a new game and got Allie to play along. The game consists of Tom taking all his clothes out of his closet and dresser and stuffing it into a laundry basket. Then he helped Allie do the same! Yeah! My favorite part of the game is when I get to hang it all back up!

On a less sarcastic note, it would have been more irritating if Tom wasn't so adorable, it's hard to be annoyed at this little guy.


Kristina Wentzell said...

Hey! He must of learned that game from Zeb. Except, they've perfected it a bit, Zeb just throws the clothes on the floor.

The Morgan Family said...

you might want to keep zeb away from them then... they might be a bad influence and give him some ideas.

cosmo said...

is there an orange, an apple and some saltines in that bag? :0)