Monday, November 23, 2009

All in a Morning's Work

I'm running a little behind with my blogging today. Last Friday and this Monday the kids had a half school day. It makes it tough to get anything done. Also, I am out of topics and ideas... it's kind of depressing. I can't even blog about anything interesting for 23 days in a row. When I am reduced to listing the item(s) I am bringing to Thanksgiving dinner, it's bad.

The boys just settled in to play Mario Brothers. They pooled their money together on Saturday to buy the video and are still in the honeymoon (zoned out) period...

That makes the most entertaining creatures in the house Kiko and Allie. Allie always stays very busy and still claims she is going to be an artist when she grows up (or a dancer). Here is her handiwork for the morning....

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