Monday, August 17, 2009

Worth Noting....

I uploaded pictures from our week at the family cottage but am not quite ready to post them. I came across this photo though and had to post it right away. My father-in-law (aka "Grandpa") was bit by a dog at a young age and hates them as a result. He also thinks they are dirty and generally detestable. He feels similarly about cats and other furry creatures. I'm not sure his opinion of reptiles. Needless to say, he's just not a fan of pets.

Because we share a home with Bob's parents, we had to clear the idea of a dog with them. It was agreed that we would keep Kiko in our part of the house and try to keep her out of Grandpa's way as much as possible. It works most of the time, but once in a while she will make a mad dash through their home. Thankfully, over time, Grandpa has grown to like her (much to everyone's surprise). Still, I am always wary when Kiko's around Grandpa for fear she will be annoying.... and really the odds are 50/50.

When we went to the cottage two weeks ago, we brought Kiko with us. Bob's parents joined us for a few of the days. The second night they were with us at the cottage I came downstairs to see this...

I would point out that Grandpa's eyes are open and he is aware that a dog is resting at his feet. This may be the only picture ever of my father-in-law with a dog.

Human sacrifice, dogs and Grandpa, living together- mass hysteria.


Stuart and Kimber said...

I didn't realize she was such a big dog. Of course, puppies usually do start out smaller. But for some reason, I just thought she was smaller. Cute pic!

The Morgan Family said...

we were told she would be smaller so i'm sure that's the expectation i set.