My brother made a comment on a previous blog that it looked like Pete was wearing a wig. It must be Bobby's genes that make his hair grow up and out because he can get really puffy! Last week we visited our favorite hairdresser named Debbi who has the patience of a saint to cut all my kids hair at once. I don't have the cash to have Debbi cut their hair every time, but I like to start them off with fresh cut at the beginning of the year (note Tam's blog with her back to school hair mishap- sorry Tam, I don't mean to pour salt in the wounds!).
I've had fun this year documenting the back to school process, and boy, is it a process! I wish they were starting school next week. I think I'd be ready by then but delaying the clothing shopping for a bit will help take off some of the pressure. I still have to take inventory of what they need prior to a shopping trip. For now school supplies, new shoes, and a new haircut will have to suffice. Besides, it's too warm for them to wear anything but their summer shorts. Ok, to start.....Here's a picture of Saint Debbi cutting Sam's hair....

Here's Pete's before....

Here's Pete's after. It dried really nicely although I do have Debi cut it a little shorter than I normally would. It gets just the right length for school pictures.

Here's Sammy's before.....

Here's Sammy's after...

Here's Tommy's before.....

Here's his after...

Here's Allie's before....

Here's Allie's after holding her reward for a job well done (she mainly just had her bangs cut)....

Here's the goofy, misfit troupe's after picture....

They are all so adorable. Thanks for the dig.
Your kids all look so great. My children while getting the new shoes and school supplies, did not get hair cuts. And boy, I've got some very shaggy kids right now! :-)
i love the pictures! your kids are hilarious and so cute!
oops, didn't mean to be mysterious; this is melinda!
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