Now begins the name game. We haven't quite decided what her name will be. Feel free to chime in- we're taking all suggestions. I think we might wait until we meet her. Our names on the list are currently Yoji, Bubbles, Zuzz Zuzz, Tom (suggested by Tom), Mugsy, Beatrice (that's my idea), Bess (that's mine too), and Buttercup. The list is a bit longer, but not really of interest becuase each name then had a variation (Zuzz Zuzz then became Fuzz Cuzz, and Wuzz Luzz etc.). Exciting times here though.
We're not sure when she will arrive as she needs to obtain the health certification from her vet for air travel but I do expect her to arrive sometime next week. I'm feeling a little insane for doing this (buying a dog sight unseen, buying a dog at all) but this has been discussed for years, the owners were great and answered all our questions, and everything came together. I just mailed them a check so there's no turning back; here we go plunging into the great unknown. Wheeee!
Steph, she is SOOO cute!! As a pug owner, I can tell you that I think pugs make fanstastic pets. They are really great with kids & they aren't teeny-weeny and they aren't big & jumpers. So cute. I like Mugsy, but that sounds like a boys name. I like Buttercup. I'll try & think of some names, but my dog's name is Kobe, which I hate, so I may not be the best to offer advice. She kind of looks like a Francis. I usually give my dogs people names, though. Some ppl don't do that.
Stephy, she is absolutely adorable!! I suck on the name front. You know how long it takes me to decide on my kids names. :-) Good luck and let me know when she arrives.
You could always stick with the whole spongebob thing & name her sandy! Although I don't really like that name. How about Mrs. Puff? (is that the driving teachers name?)
Have fun picking out a name!
we could name her pearl after mr. crab's daughter!
i think my new favorite is "fern"
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