Monday, December 8, 2008

Tidbits and a Blackmail Photo

Nice quiet weekend. Everyone was a little sick or on the edge of getting a cold which made it a bit more subdued. Lots of little things to document though (five to be exact).

-#1 Probably the most important item is that school was closed this morning for Pete and Matt. There was a water main break (a pleasant surprise). Here they are showing their excitement....

-#2 We gave the dog a bath this weekend. Oh Man, she was stinky! In addition to the skunky dog and Febreeze smell she was sporting, she peed in her bed and reeked of dog urine. That was the tipping point for me, and she got her long deserved bath. I think wet dog is a pathetic/cute look, so I took a picture...

Allie and Tommy were enjoying the entertainment, I was just trying to stay out of the picture....

Here she is warming by the fireplace...

-#3 I'm keeping up with my winter "challenge" so far. The driveway is current on it's shoveling. My bigger challenge, however, is trying to get outside before my father-in-law shovels it first. He can get a head start on me in the morning because he doesn't have five kids to feed. My intention with not getting a plow contract was not to try to get my 74 year-old father-in-law to shovel (!), it was for me to get exercise and save money. This adds an additional element of excitement and urgency to my "challenge". Here's a picture of our home with a nice and clear driveway. Ah.......

-#4 Every night, when I put Tom to bed, we talk about the best part of our day. Last night, the dialogue went roughly as follows...

Me: "So what was the best part of the day?"

Tom: "Spending time with you." (awwwww!)

Me: "What was your second best part of the day?"

Tom: "Discovering I liked canned fruit." (!)

I love our little chats.

-#5 Speaking of Tom, I have come to the blackmail part of the blog. Yesterday Tom and Allie were playing in her room before dinner. They both came running down in bathing suits. I had to snap a picture...

To make it funnier, Tom told me he likes Allie's suits better because they are softer and he likes the pictures on them. He would like me to buy him one for the upcoming swim season. =)

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