Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Birthday Marathon Hangover

It's been a while since my last post. I've been really wiped out lately. I'm not sure if it's recovering from all the craziness from last month or just the fact that the cold weather has sent me into hibernation mode.

Honestly, I want to crawl into a hole and sleep for three months. Fatigue? Perhaps. Depression? I don't think so (hard to tell when you're in the middle of it however). I'm getting a little sick of it though. I think I'm going to get my thyroid checked. This is about the age my mom and two sisters had their thyroid start conk out on them, perhaps that's part of the problem.

Anywho.... too much information. I did promise a birthday update for Bob, and even though it's more than two weeks later.... an update I will post (that sounded like Yoda... "update post you will get... hmmm").

Poor Bobby, he does not even get a decent birthday wrap-up! We did have fun though and thankfully it was low key. The night of his birthday, Bob's mom was nice enough to give Bob the gift of babysitting (a lovely gift indeed!). Bobby and I went out to dinner and enjoyed our time together immensely. The next night we had family night with a celebration full of games, feasts, and late night antics. The kids enjoyed staying up past their bedtimes. Perhaps that was their favorite part...

Here's a pict of Bobby blowing out his candle. The kids thought it was a jip that we did not put 36 candles in the cake...

I love the faces of the kids (even the big ones). They all have so much fun when someone blows out their candles...

Thus wraps up another season of the birthday marathon. Happy Birthday Bobby!... hope you had a nice evening.

I have lots of other random tidbits to post in the next few days.... I promise there will be more uninteresting posts soon. =)

1 comment:

Stuart and Kimber said...

Kayla saw the picture and asked, "is he turning 1?" (apparently she thinks Bobby got ripped off too!)