I've been in a bit of a dinner rut. No matter what I make, it does not please everyone. With certain meals this is to be expected but with others, I am completely surprised. Some evenings I have served as many as five different dinners (who knew they were so adverse to chicken noodle soup?). The replacement meals (or second dinners) are simple enough; a sandwich, leftovers from the night before, a yogurt. Still, it irks me to spend my whole dinner time running for the fridge and having the kids eat in shifts.
For example, last night I made cheese enchiladas (they turned out really yummy, I also made some homemade refried black beans....mmmmm). Some enchiladas I covered with tomatoes, some with a green chili sauce, and I purposely left a whole pan without any sauce at all on top. I thought this could be a meal we could all enjoy without the interruption of having to get up and scramble in the fridge to throw some leftovers together for the dissenters. The ingredients are tortillas and cheese for heavens sake, what is there not to like?
Well, Tom decided that he did not like baked "tacos" and refused to eat them. We normally have a policy of serving the "second dinner" after the people who have eaten the originally prepared meal have finished. Tom, however, was whining during the whole dinner about being hungry so Bob relented. Tom's dinner consisted of an unheated flour tortilla with salsa and cheese. Sam saw Tom's meal and then wanted some of what Tom was eating. However, when Sam saw that there was no meat to go in the tortilla, he became upset. He then went to his room in despair. In the meantime, Matt (my pickiest eater) decided he did not like the enchiladas and asked for another dinner. Ugh.
I repeat. I made tortillas and cheese and baked them. It really does not get more simple that that. All of my children in the past have enjoyed eating tortillas and cheese on several occasions, why can't they now? Frustrating.
Ok, so on to plan "B". I have decided that tonight I will "anticipate my customer's needs". We are having breakfast for dinner consisting of french toast (made with homemade bread) and sausage. We are also eating spaghetti with yummy homemade sauce. Truth be told I think tonight's dinner dissenter will be Bobby....he does not like french toast but is a big fan of spaghetti. Either way, I'm figuring I'll have my bases covered.
I, however, can't help but conjure up images of the movie Elf where Will Farrell serves himself a heaping bowl of spaghetti and then proceeds to douse it in maple syrup and various candies. I wonder if one of my kids will try it.
It's amazing what you will do for some dinnertime peace...

Birthday wrap-up tomorrow.... I promise.
I have the SAME problem!!! Almost every night there are at least two options to choose from. And my kids are not even that picky of eaters, but no matter what I make, there are at least a couple that don't care for it.
Then there is the up and down, back and forth; of more drinks, ketchup, napkins, salt/pepper...most of the family is done eating by the time I have had 1/4 of my meal.
Promise Breaker!
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