Thursday, November 19, 2009

My Mornings...

My mornings are definitely the busiest time of day. Later in the day it's louder and sometimes more chaotic, but in the morning we have a definite time line we must follow in order to get everyone out the door. Once the kids are out the door, my day does not quiet down either. Matt starts his schooling, I have to return calls and e-mails related to work, Allie needs attention, I need to pry Allie's "polly pocket" toys out of Kiko's mouth. By the time Tommy gets off the bus around noon, I'm ready for a nap. Needless to say, we are eating a lot of spaghetti or pancakes for dinner... on paper plates.

Next year, if Matt goes back to school like he plans and Allie is in Montessori preschool, I'm not sure I'll know what to do with myself...sometimes it's nice to daydream about though... =)

I snapped some pictures this morning because #1- I'm running out of things to write about, and #2 Allie was cracking me up because she was upset that she did not have any homework assigned to her. So I assigned her homework. She then informed me she would be unable to complete her homework and started on her own project... *sigh*. Heaven help her teachers. Here she is working on her "project"...

Here's Matt working away on his math...

Here's the dog looking guilty because she is destroying the blanket in her crate. Can I send her off to school next year too?...


Kristina Wentzell said...

hey, you got new office furniture! Miss hanging at your house. :(

And that dog of yours is a piece of work. LOL

The Morgan Family said...

awww... it's been too long since i've seen you. =( yes... the dog is a piece of work... would you like her?