Thursday, February 12, 2009

Noah's Ark on Ice... AKA the Death of the Winter Challenge

About a week and a half ago, we were battling the elements. The weather conditions were nearly biblical yet school still wasn't canceled!

Here are some picts of the snow. Poor Kiko! I feel sorry for any animal that has to do it's "business" outside in weather like this...

This type of weather makes me realize how insignificant humans are. I felt like an ant that could be squashed at any moment. We had so much snow it was impossible to shovel. I realized I would have to let go of the "Winter Challenge" dream and make a phone call to an old friend who owns a plow.

Here's our driveway. It had already been partially shoveled so we could move a car into the garage. An unbelievable amount of snow. I have a feeling these photos will never make it on the cover of our regional tourism board....

I don't know what we would do without our old neighbor Mr. Bender (Matt used to call him "Deh Doh" when he was a baby). He's one of the nicest neighbors we have ever had (and not only because he came out to plow our driveway on a busy night). He was always so kind to us and our kids and we miss having his as our next door neighbor a lot!....

Good old Deh Doh!

1 comment:

The Morey Family from Rochester said...

Mr. Bender is back! Glad you were able to get some help for that huge amount of snow.