Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What... You're Sick of Looking at Poo?

Fine... I'll update my blog. It won't be anything interesting though... life has been swept up with work, school, and surviving the cold. Plus, lately it seems my spare time is spent on Facebook... did I really just admit that? I'm the sucker that keeps sending fake fish and plants to people. It seems to be a good use of my time.

I did snap these pictures a few weeks ago though. It started when our dog Kiko was stuck under the couch and we couldn't figure out how she got there. We then watched and waited....

I guess the lure of the toys that were stuck under the couch was too great.

She seemed to like being under there...

She finally came out when properly motivated (we took her ball)...

It was cute until I realized she was also ripping apart the fabric under the couch. It then became much less cute.

I know it's pathetic. My blog has disintegrated into posts about my dog.... I'm the dog lady. *sigh*


cosmo said...

I love this post! Nice sequential-action shots!! She is so cute!

Pam said...

Too cute - how can you resist that face...

...Unless of course she eats all of your meatloaf. I am glad you, your family and your dog all liked it. Thanks for trying a recipe.

jenniferi716 said...

You're first sentence totally describes my life lately! Especially the FB comment. If I gave something up for Lent, I would give that up...but since we don't practice that I think I will just try to control myself a bit better. Worst part about it is its at work now, and home, and my phone.....and quite frankly it's fun! But unfortunately I am using up my exercise time to be on FB, which isn't doing much for my figure! LOL! Your dog is so darn cute by the way!