Very little attention has been given in this blog to the other member of our family. I was just cleaning out his tank yesterday and figured I'd take his picture and give him his due credit. Our crayfish came into our lives a little over a year ago when Pete's 4th grade class was studying crayfish in their science unit. They raised them from babies and studied them along the way. They also named their crayfish. Pete named his "Bob Big Butt". He said it was because he had a big tail and was one of the bigger and stronger crayfish and was not named after our own Bob. I think he was just looking for a reason to include "butt" in any situation. For the more civilized circles, we decided we would refer to him as simply Bob. When the science unit was over, they had the option to take them home if they had survived (which was about half of them). Pete, of course, signed up to take his home (without consulting me). After I was informed that we were now the proud owners of a crayfish, I told Pete that under no uncertain terms would I be taking care of him and it would be up to Pete to feed him and clean the tank. Pete agreed stating that he fed and took care of him at school without issue. When we went to the classroom to pick up the crayfish his teacher asked/ begged us to take the final remaining crayfish who did not have a home (their owners mom had the common sense to say "no") so we actually came home with two. As I was leaving Pete's teacher left me with this hope, "Don't worry, they only usually live a few weeks!".
The two crayfish never really got along and the other guy just spent his time hiding from Bob who really was quite big and strong. Before long it was apparent that time was short for "the other guy" (he never did get a name). One morning (about a week after we took him home) he was found lifeless and stuck to the filtration tube of the tank. So far, so good. One down, one to go. However, Bob had the digs to himself and seemed to flourish. He grew quickly and shed his exoskeleton many times. Suddenly he was no longer a little, ugly, pink crayfish but rather a big, ugly, brown crayfish. Pete became afraid to handle him to clean his tank and feed him because of his size and strength so of course I inherited Bob. I didn't want him, but there he was staring at me with his beady little eyes in my kitchen. I decided to actually read the "caring for crayfish" sheet that was sent home and start taking care of him as if he could be here a while. I learned from my babysitter in 9th grade that some of her friends in school still have their crayfish from 4th grade! I think I need to have a chat with Pete's 4th grade teacher as I think he was sent home under false pretenses.
I must say, however, crayfish are a ton more interesting than goldfish and they seem to live longer. It's absolutely fascinating to watch him eat and organize his tank. I do spend too much time feeding him peas just to watch him peel the shell off, store them and then eat them. Bobby now accuses me of preferring this Bob to him. It's mostly not true. =)
Or really two steps forward, one step back. Here are the latest photos as of yesterday. The roof is now finished after a roofing lineup change. The windows are also in and we are now starting on HVAC. I had the whole story written out but Bobby made me pull it, if you want the details, you'll have to call. =)
The boys were throwing large plastic checkers at the fireplace yesterday. The checkers loosened the clamps on the fireplace cover and it came crashing down. Thankfully no one was injured but it made quite a mess. The dots you see on the picture is the dust that was in the air. I can report today that the cover was successfully reclamped (I don't think that's a word) and the fireplace area has been cleaned up. What a circus it was!
Allie was enjoying every minute of it. Here she is jumping on the couch!
It's been really busy over here. I hope to post more soon but for now I thought I'd post Allie's favorite activity. She loves to get into the pots and pans and have a recital. I think she owns stock in Bristol-Myers Squibb. She looked particularly cute tonight with her new "helmet".
Late yesterday afternoon, Sammy's tooth finally came out. He was nervous it would be painful to lose a tooth. Once the tooth was in his hand and not in his mouth he was so excited. He kept checking to see if it was time to go to bed. The tooth fairy left him $1, his Lola then gave him $3 today to commemorate the event. Lola's making the tooth fairy look cheap!
Ahhh... A day with nowhere to go and nothing to do (for the kids!). After a morning of various activities (including wrestle-mania 3), the kids settled down to enjoy an activity shared by all.... SpongeBob Squarepants. It's so pathetic. SpongeBob used to be banned in our home but I am getting lax in my old age and finally relented. Here are my kids zoned out in front of the boob tube. I wouldn't recommend it for every day but it's nice to take it down a notch just for today.
I promise this is not a joke. I just received a summons to jury duty forwarded from my old address for the week of December 3rd. I guess they have my name written two ways, one with my maiden name included which has thrown them off enough to send me another summons. Their timing is great considering I fulfilled my civic responsibility just yesterday!
ps- I would have had to go in this time around because this juror number is 420- too low.
Well it was rough, really rough, but I managed. My number was never called and according to the pleasant voice on the jurors hotline, I have fulfilled my civic responsibility for another 8 years. If I were to mark my life by jury duties I was pregnant with Matt last time I served and the next time I could be called Allie will be almost 10 (and Pete 18)! Weird.
The girl scout cookies arrived yesterday. Need I say more?
ps- Jury duty numbers were up to 710 for this morning. This one will go down to the wire!
Here are the latest photos of the "building house". I was shocked to see the framers on-site today as it has been snowing on and off. When my mother and father-in-law did their daily drive-by, the framers were just packing up (3pm) when it was really coming down. As anxious as I am to get the home framed and air-tight, I was relieved they wrapped up early as they are working on the roof and I would hate for someone to get injured. If you look closely, you can see the snow . 
I was called for jury duty this week so my life is in a bit of limbo. I don't know how it is in other parts of the country but they don't let you out of jury duty here. I have to call in each evening to see if my number has been called for the following morning. If I'm called I have to haul my kids to my mother-in-law's, make arrangements to get my kids picked up from school, and rearrange any other real estate appointments that might come up. I'm juror #936 of 1500 to be called this week. They called up the first 500 jurors for Monday but when I called in last night the automated machine (which surprisingly had a very pleasant voice) said no more numbers will be called until Wednesday night. I'm not sure of the current protocol but I thought if your number was not called during the week you were expected to serve, you have fulfilled your civic responsibility. Is it possible that I could avoid jury duty this time around? I almost hate to put the thought in writing for fear I could jinx it. More updates to follow.
This is how Allie looked this morning. Typical 22 monther. However....
Allie has taken a shining to a particular tupperware bowl that she calls her helmet. She took a nap with it on today and I suspect will wear it when we go to pick up the boys this afternoon. The amused look on her face is because she is watching SpongeBob Squarepants and yes, she is still in her pajamas. I know.... I'm a really good mom.