Lake Effect Days
Here are the latest photos of the "building house". I was shocked to see the framers on-site today as it has been snowing on and off. When my mother and father-in-law did their daily drive-by, the framers were just packing up (3pm) when it was really coming down. As anxious as I am to get the home framed and air-tight, I was relieved they wrapped up early as they are working on the roof and I would hate for someone to get injured. If you look closely, you can see the snow . 
ohhhhh!!! this is so exciting! I'm so excited for you! Do you have a basement too? Can you send me your plans? (just a pic via e-mail would be fun!)
yup... no home in the northeast is complete without one. it's helpful because we hope to someday finish it off for a rec room.
It looks great, Steph! I can't believe how far it has come in such a short time! I still haven't finished a scarf I started knitting last fall.
it's weird to think that 10 days ago there were no walls yet. it fills me with awe to think of the tv show extreme home makeover that can build a home in a week. it seems nearly impossible.
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