Jury Doodie III- Wait there's more!
I promise this is not a joke. I just received a summons to jury duty forwarded from my old address for the week of December 3rd. I guess they have my name written two ways, one with my maiden name included which has thrown them off enough to send me another summons. Their timing is great considering I fulfilled my civic responsibility just yesterday!
ps- I would have had to go in this time around because this juror number is 420- too low.
It's nice to know that bureaucracy is the same everywhere - redundant and pointless.
Luckily you just got done!
They didn't give you a lot of notice.
They snagged Dave once when we were in NJ (he was already working in Boston), and they already got him here! And they summoned him once in NY, but we were in I think MI by that time. I, on the other hand, have NEVER been summoned, in any of the 7 states we have lived. :-)
I assume you just notify them you just served and you can get out of it. That is the way it works in MA -DM
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