I was called for jury duty this week so my life is in a bit of limbo. I don't know how it is in other parts of the country but they don't let you out of jury duty here. I have to call in each evening to see if my number has been called for the following morning. If I'm called I have to haul my kids to my mother-in-law's, make arrangements to get my kids picked up from school, and rearrange any other real estate appointments that might come up. I'm juror #936 of 1500 to be called this week. They called up the first 500 jurors for Monday but when I called in last night the automated machine (which surprisingly had a very pleasant voice) said no more numbers will be called until Wednesday night. I'm not sure of the current protocol but I thought if your number was not called during the week you were expected to serve, you have fulfilled your civic responsibility. Is it possible that I could avoid jury duty this time around? I almost hate to put the thought in writing for fear I could jinx it. More updates to follow.
I had that! Last month! I got called in when Stuart was out of town and had to hall all three of my children to the courthouse. They took pity and excused me. But I feel for you girl!
I knew that looked funny. I meant Haul, not hall.
hmmmm.... i never thought about bringing my kids with me. that would be a good way to elicit sympathy.
make sure allie brings her helmet so she has something to do.
And if they make you stay (with the kids) it will give you something soft to put on your head, when all the other jurors start throwing things at you because they are tired of your kids making noise, etc.
It'd be perfect!
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