Wheee! I'm a day ahead on my blogging. That's cool. I can't believe I'm still doing the blogging. I purposely decided to opt out so I could avoid the mid-month drivel. Oh well.
I was tagged the other day from my friend Heather so I figured I'd post it on my blog (I guess it's one better than publishing my grocery list). It's not too long either. Original questions are in red, my response is in black...
4 Random Things I Like About Quentin (that's Heather's husband)
ummmm. He seems nice, but I don't really know him that well. I'll try my Bob...
4 Random Things I like About Bob
1- He makes me laugh hard at least once a day.
2- I can tell him
3- He's a great dad.
4- Even if I cooked a bomb of a meal, he always pretends to like it.
5- (I had one more come to mind) He always makes me feel beautiful even if I look like a butt.
4 Jobs I've Had(I'll choose my worst ones for fun)
1 - Collection Agent (that was just stinky- I would hit my goals though)
2 - Maid in a hotel (that was fun actually)
3 - Radio Researcher (I'd interview radio listeners to determine market trends- it was an in to the business)
4 - Waitress (I liked that job too)
4 Movies I've Watched More Than OnceI'm not a huge movie person but I'll see what I can do...
1 - Ocean's 11 (one of Bob's favorite)
2 - Some Pokemon movie that I sit and watch with the kids.
3 - The Christmas Story
4 - The Sound of Music (I don't currently have a copy and Bob hates musicals, but it could possibly be the movie I watched most as it was the first movie we owned when we got a VCR).
4 TV Shows I Watch1 - 30 Rock
2 - The Office
3 - How I met Your Mother
4 - Heroes
4 Favorite Foods1 - Chocolate
2 - Any Mexican
3 - Appetizers
4 - Good thin crust pizza with lots of good toppings
4 Places I'd Like to Visit1 - Honduras
2 - China
3 - New Zealand
4 - Hungary
4 Things I'm Looking Forward to in the Coming Year1 - Finishing the little details on the house.
2 - Selling my million dollar listing (I hope it happens this upcoming year!).
3 - Having a dog that is housebroken.
4 - Completely cleaning and organizing my attic and basement, it's driving me crazy.
4 People I TagI'll do this alphabetically since there is no preference.
1 - Beth
2 - Kim
3 - Kristina
4 - Tammy
5 - Jen I. (She's newer to the blogging realm, and I figured I'd share the fun)