Sometimes my kids defy words. A couple of days ago I was husking corn for dinner when my kids expressed interest in trying the corn raw. I let them, and they decided they really liked corn uncooked. Well, that saves me from having to cook it I suppose... less work for me! I figured I should take a picture to have photo evidence in case they ever denied it. I'm not even sure what to title this entry.... any suggestions?
ps- dog update soon to come.
That is so funny! A couple of weeks ago, Myles wanted to eat the corn raw & I said he wouldn't like it and I took a bite because I actually wasn't sure what it tasted like and it was pretty good! I mean, for me I still like it hot with butter & salt, but it wasn't bad!
I can't help you with a name, though...which is why I have my degree in english lit & not creative writing. My idea would be stupid : )
"corny but true"
"children of the corn" eek!
"my kids eat raw corn"
"ears to you!"
"the cobs have it!"
do your kids pretend a corn cob is a typewriter as they eat it? that's what my sister and i always did. but maybe kids these days don't have the typewriter as a cultural reference?
lol. love it! great ideas (that's why you're the writer!). i think my favorite is "children of the corn". i remember always pretending a corn cob was a typewriter. my kids don't don't do that, but that's probably because they've never seen a typewriter!
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