Sunday, September 7, 2008

Puppy Love

Pete has wanted a puppy for years. The infatuation for owning a small dog started when we lived on Oakwood. We knew at that time we would soon be living in a rental house while our new home was under construction and would not have the capability to care for a dog. Plus, Bob has been a little apprehensive about dog ownership. Now that the kids are a bit older and we are a little more settled at the new home the subject has surfaced again. We happened to be scanning for a small puppy and came across this little cutey named Bella. She was rescued from a West Virginia kennel that gasses unwanted dogs. I know I was smitten, and when Bob saw her photo he asked why we haven't picked her up yet. That was all I needed to hear to get going! I'm still waiting for a call back from the adoption organization. I hope Bella's still available! *fingers crossed*

Update 9/8- Bella's been adopted =( but we are hopeful that we can find another dog just as cute as Bella. So if you come across any chihuahua/ pug puppies with a sweet disposition, send them our way (well maybe just one our way).


cosmo said...

awww!! What a cutie! Good luck you guys!

Stuart and Kimber said...

Very cute! Has he (or the fam) picked out a name yet?

Stuart and Kimber said...

so did you get her yet???

The Morgan Family said...

nope... she was already adopted. we're still looking though. but it's hard to find any puppy as appealing as bella.