Monday, April 7, 2008

Rub a Dub Dub....

It's Allie in the tub. She calls it taking "a tub". She likes taking a bath, but hates being washed. She loves to splash and play and I just have to hope that some of the water is doing some good and cleaning her. I washed her hair last night and she was so mad at me. I believe her statement to me was "NO, NO WASHING MY HAIR! NEVER!!!" Here is Allie in some happier tub moments.

Here she is not certain that she wants to be photographed.

Mattie wanted in on the fun.


cosmo said...

Her feet look clean!
My kids do the same thing sometimes. You just have to hope that the bath water & bubbles do something.

Stuart and Kimber said...

SOSOOOOOO??? Does it look like you'll be able to move this week????

Good luck!