Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tommy's Christmas Party... and a Gary Update

Tommy had his Christmas party on Thursday. It was a cute event with a chinese auction (we won a basket!), potluck dinner, and a performance by the 3, 4,and 5 year-olds in the school. Very sweet. Tommy insisted on wearing his santa hat and the other siblings thought that would also be fun. They were the only ones wearing santa hats so it made it easy to locate them in the crowds...

Here they are before they hit the potluck line....

Here's Tom waiting for his opportunity to perform....

Here's Tom singing his songs (he's a little obstructed by the kid with the antlers). Check out the kid who is picking his nose... hilarious! ....

Also, Gary is not dead. He laid around for a while and then started ambling around the tank again... crazy. I guess that means we can expect more snails.... ugh.

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