Friday, July 31, 2009

Killing Time

Long night of work. I had to list a couple of homes last night and it can be involved when I have to sift through many photos so I have yet to go to bed. Normally, after I finish working, I would go to bed, but I started jogging in the early morning (not sure you can quite call it jogging but...) with a buddy named Gigi. We just started the regimen too so I hate to break routine. Not to mention I don't know Gigi's cell phone and I sure as heck can't call this early at her home and say I'm not coming.

Plus, I really want to stay on regimen. My life is so fluid, it's hard to predict my schedule, which makes it hard to stick to any diet or exercise routine but hey... I'm sure other people suffer more than I have suffered in order to jog. So I type to stay awake the half an hour prior to my jog.

Does this seem like rambling? It feels like I'm typing gobbledygook. My brain is a bit cloudy. Anywho, things here are good. The summer heat has kicked in a bit. A welcome change from the cold rainy days a week ago. Something interesting happened though. A phenomenon of sorts...

My boys decided shirts are now optional. I'm not quite sure where they picked that up from. Bobby does not walk around with his shirt off and I sure as heck don't. They just started, as if they had a secret code or something and, as if on cue, the shirts disappeared.

And of course what's good for the ganders....

Is also good for my goose. She refuses to wear a shirt at home. Not quite sure what to do about that, if anything. I do feel like I'm at the French Riviera though....

15 minutes 'till jogging. Hopefully bed after....


Kristina Wentzell said...

wait...are you saying you pulled an all nighter and THEN went jogging? crazy girl. I'm not sure I'm ready to read about you jogging with someone else. sniff.

The Morgan Family said...

i know. i am crazy. and yes, i do feel like i'm cheating on you. =(