Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bob's new digs

A few months ago I attempted to convince the kids that we should release "Bob" our pet crayfish back into the wild. I reasoned that his living quarters were quite tight (I didn't want to pay for the upgrade) and he would be much happier living in the brook that runs through our village. Most of the clan agreed to the arrangement but Matt was the one holdout. He was devastated and immediately started talking about a new pet that we would get (hamster, iguana, pot bellied pig).

Suddenly a larger tank seemed to be a bargain. Last week while we were running around I found a tank on sale. We also purchased some guppies (I read crayfish like to eat them although I've seen no evidence), plants, and some more rocks with crevices for Bob to explore. I had everything all set up by the time my Bob came home. Upon entering, he set his eyes upon the tank and stated "well now there's no question as to which Bob you prefer."

Here's the tank....

Here's Bob checking out the peas I dropped in for a snack....

ps- Yes, we moved "Gary" the snail into the new tank too.

1 comment:

Stuart and Kimber said...

I'd say your Bob has great new digs too!