Thursday, January 10, 2008

Project Know

Three weeks and counting down. That's how much time I have before Petey goes to his first official sex education class at school. In our school district, the fifth grade classes have a program called "project know", which (I have been told) is a national program where they bring in experts and tell the kids all they need to know to reproduce. Really, I've heard it's a good program, but with Pete being our first, this is new territory. The parents get to go see "the movie" a week or so before they present it to the kids. "The movie" happens to fall on Bobby's birthday (happy birthday Bobby), so that is how Bobby is celebrating the big 3-5. We then get to view the movie with Pete the evening before he watches it with the boys in his class. The only hitch is that Bob will be out of town so it will just be Pete and me. I'm ok with that, I hope Pete is. I think it's nice I have the opportunity to see it with Pete so we can talk before he has to sit through it in school.

I was talking with Pete a couple weeks ago (thanks to the Jamie Lynn Spears pregnancy announcement) to see what the kids were talking about and what he knew already. He stated he knew everything already (which surprised me) so I asked him what everything entailed. He told me he knew how babies came out. When I asked if he knew how they got in, he asked "Is it gross?", I answered "Yes.". He just shook his head and said "I don't want to know.".

Recently, Pete received the parental permission slip to see "the movie". He told me I should mark the box that said he couldn't see the movie. He would get to go to the library instead. I think if it were up to him, he'd just like to perpetuate the story of the stork. Well, he's going. A little piece of me is mourning his loss of innocence, and at the same time, I'm so proud of the young man he is becoming.

On a related note, I went to the "building house" yesterday and made sure the contractors were putting up extra insulation in the master bedroom walls. =)


cosmo said...

i had the talk with devin the summer before she started 5th grade. i got a stupid cartoon movie out of the library that goes over everything, narrated by Howie Mandel! It was scary, but went smoothly.

That is so funny he said, I don't want to know.

sigh...remember when you could hold him while he slept? time goes by too fast.

Stuart and Kimber said...

Totally brings new meaning to the phrase, dinner and a movie. Poor Bob!

When did Pete get so big?

The Morgan Family said...

i think i want to find the cartoon narrated by howie mandel just for kicks. that sounds hilarious. as a general rule, i don't think howie mandel should be allowed to narrate any important life issue movies. i don't know how pete became so big.... it just seems too soon....*sigh*