Friday, January 25, 2008

Stop the Presses!

I was going to write Bobby's birthday wrap-up but this news trumps all. Matt and Sam both had loose teeth and were comparing looseness these past few weeks. Yesterday afternoon Matt finally got his tooth out. He went straight to Sam and said "I won!! My tooth came out first!". Not to be outdone, Sammy promptly plucked out his tooth (the tooth did resist a bit)! Matt was so cute, he wrote a thank you note for the tooth fairy complete with picture. The tooth fairy, however, forgot to retrieve the note. I'll have to have a word with her.

The teeth created a bit of excitement in the house and everyone (except Pete) wanted to be part of the fun. Here's the peanut gallery....


cosmo said...

I hope the tooth fairy gave them extra since she only had to make one trip. Very efficient on your boys part! They've done their part in reducing the carbon footprint from that lady...I don't know how she travels, but I bet she has some kind of a magical humvee to load all those teeth into.
What's up with Pete? One birds-n-bees talk and all of a sudden he's too good for a conga line and lost teeth photo? : )

The Morgan Family said...

the tooth fairy will not be lured into any special enticements or promotions... they got a buck each. as for pete, his birds and bees talk is next week. for the conga line he was playing guitar hero and for the teeth he was doing his homework... ah, gone are the days that he is easily distracted from the task at hand. =)