Sunday, October 5, 2008

Gosh Darned, Apple Pickin' Pooped

Well, I'm officially over being enamored with apples. I think I overdid it. It's hard to tell when you pick, how many apples there are in the bags, but I now know the answer.... too many! Over the last few days, we've eaten, peeled, cored and ground so many apples I've lost track of time.

A respite in all this was Beth and the kids came and visited me yesterday and we went out to dinner together, it was fabulous.... but I forgot to take pictures! Sorry Beth!

So I document apples instead. =(

I made six big pies and three mini pies over the last few days and ran out of sugar and flour. With the remaining apples we sauced them! Matt got in the apple spirit and decided to work the crank....

He got a good upper arm workout in....

Tommy was excited with the activity and wanted in on the "TA DA" photo....

Until next year apples....


chammy said...

Your children are so adorable. It is fun to see their photos, even if we don't get to see them in person enough. Happy apple eating.

The Morey Family from Rochester said...

I had a great time too, and also forgot my camera. Dave was not happy with our lack of photo documentation. :-)