Friday, November 20, 2009

It's the Best We Can Do

My friend Kim does amazing things with her little girl's hair. I always admire her blog posts showing her kid's hair. It's really spectacular. Here are some photos of their hair. I know she has her tricks to keep her kids still, but it's still quite a feat (I hope you don't mind me borrowing your picts for my blog, Kehm!)...
I have never been able to do anything with Allie's hair because it was too short and thin. Now as it is longer and thickening a bit, Allie wants me to pull it back into a ponytail. It's tough to do though as she will not sit still and she does not have enough hair to do it really, but we try. I've offered barrettes or to pull it back into two mini ponytails but she only wants a single ponytail. This is what we get (you can't really see it because she kept turning to look at the camera, but trust me, it's messy)....

Not quite as impressive, but still "pretty"...

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