Sunday, November 8, 2009

Schizophrenic Weather

I'm not complaining, I'm really not. It was almost 70 degrees yesterday and about the same today. I love warm autumn weather; there's not much better than that. What makes it hard to deal with is that any minute, I know it can change and start snowing. It was hailing/ snowing just four days ago and I'm sure it will be 30 degrees in a matter of days again.

It really messes with my internal thermostat and on the cold days all I want to do is climb under my blanket and hibernate. I suppose there is not much I can do about that except enjoy the nice days. I have to say though, when the kids are grown, I am going to lobby to move our home base somewhere warm... like Belize. Bobby and Pete were tossing around the football yesterday, I had to snap a few picts....

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