Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Was So Two Days Ago...

I mentioned yesterday that I purchased some Black Friday deals, one of which was a Christmas tree. Our old tree did not survive the two recent moves and had to be retired to Christmas tree heaven. The new tree seemed to be just right, and it came with some garland, a wreath, and two little topiary plants. It was Christmas in a box, what's not to like?

No sooner had I brought the box in, the kids descended upon it and started digging into the box. Soon after, the Christmas ornaments were brought down from the attic, and before I knew what was happening, we were decorating for Christmas. I figured the box might sit in the corner for a week or so before we decorated, at least a few days... but with the a hockey game in the background, we trimmed the tree and decorated. Here are a few picts....

Ever since they brought out the decorations, the kids refuse to take off their Santa hats. We even went over to Bob's sister's house last night to eat some more Thanksgiving leftovers and the kids were all decked out in their Christmas outfits. It seems a wee bit disrespectful to Thanksgiving, but hey, not much I can do about that now... that ship has sailed.

We're actually away today to a local water park to celebrate Matt's birthday. Full report tomorrow...

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