Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Day After: Sugar Crash....

Phew. What a night. I had kids waking up at all hours last night. I guess eating a boatload of candy late at night wasn't such a great idea. It's tough because we live in a village, the homes are close together, and you can load up on candy really quickly.

No one got sick, but Matt woke up with leg cramps, Sam woke up with a bad taste in his mouth, and Allie woke up a few times for various reasons. I'm beat. Nothing like a piece of candy to keep me going.....

So rather than dwell on today, I'll post the photos from last night.

Here's the gang. Two friends joined us in our new neighborhood this year for trick-or-treating. Allie was a pumpkin, Tom was "Ord the Dragon" again, Sam was Spiderman again, Matt was the "Evil Pumpkin of Doom", and Pete titled his costume "Freak" which consisted of a woman's Amish cap, a vampire cape and an Osama Bin Laden style beard.....

The dog came with us as well. She wouldn't keep her hat on but she kept her collar on.

Here are my two pumpkins.....

The weather was beautiful, one of the rare nights you can sit outside, pass out candy and the kids didn't have to hide their costumes with a jacket....

Allie was always the last to get her candy but she didn't seem to mind....

It's always fun to watch the kids trade their candy....

It was a fun evening, but a long night. What do you take for a sugar hangover?

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