Wednesday, November 5, 2008


This has been a tough, passionate election for all involved. I know I don't have too many elections under my belt with an adult perspective, but this one definitely felt different. I felt like I was witnessing history, it was quite inspiring.

I was really impressed with McCain's concession speech. He went above and beyond what would be considered an acceptable acknowledgment. It speaks volumes about him and heightens my respect for him.

I think back to the speech that was offered four years ago by George W. Bush after he won his second term. He spoke of the "political capital" he had earned and expressed his intent to "spend it". He sure spent it, and then some. I am glad that was not the tone of this election from either side. I'm grateful that Obama expressed his desire to be the president for all of America and not just those that voted for him. Hopefully his policies and words will be equally inclusive moving forward.

I am hopeful that we can start to mend the great political divide that has deepened in this country these past several years. Who knows, perhaps Obama might turn out to be another Rutherford B. Hayes, Ulysses S. Grant, or even Jimmy Carter but for today I am hopeful at what could be possible. It's nice to feel good about politics and politicians even if for just one day.


jenniferi716 said...

I agree Steph! I think feeling around Obama is that he will bring hope to us Americans caught in the middle...I also believe he will bring unity to our nation and through that we will again become the great nation we once were. It won't be easy and Lord knows there is much to be "fixed," but I think that in time the deep wounds of our nation will mend!

cosmo said...

They did both have some great speeches. I, too, was a little sad with McCain's because it was very moving. They were nice to see.