Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tooth Fairy Blunder

Sam lost his tooth unexpectedly yesterday. He mentioned it was loose and asked me to tug it. I tugged it and it popped right out! He was thrilled at the promise of another payout. Teeth are big bucks for six-year-olds thanks to the Lola supplemental tooth fund ($5 per tooth).

Sam put his tooth under the pillow that night and happily fell asleep. However, much to Sam's dismay, when he awoke the next morning, the tooth was still there. What happened to the Tooth Fairy? Why was Sam's tooth still there? Where the heck was Sam's money? There were lots of questions to be answered. While I can't speak for the Tooth Fairy, I'm sure it probably had to do with the fact that the Tooth Fairy can be flighty and forgetful sometimes (as most fairies are) and Mr. Tooth Fairy probably did not remind her that she had to collect a tooth that night, but that is just my guess.

I did help Sam inspect his bed and we did find the $1 that somehow made its way into Sam's pillowcase. He hadn't thought to look there I guess. But there was still the issue of the tooth left behind. I offered to mail the tooth to her P.O. Box in White Plains, New York. We once had to mail one of Matt's teeth to her White Plains P.O. Box when she accidentally left it behind. Sam declined, however, wanting to opt for the possiblity of collecting twice by leaving his tooth under his pillow for a second night.

Well, the Tooth Fairy cannot be fooled (flighty, yes. sucker, no). She collected her tooth and left Sam a note explaining her tooth bag had a hole in it and the tooth fell out. His tooth is now safely at her palace (in White Plains) and Sam has a good story to tell.


Leohtbaere said...

The Tooth Fairy living in White Plains is awesome. Did he buy it? When we told Jack about the Tooth Fairy when he lost his teeth last summer, he simply stated, "I don't believe in that, Dad."

The Morgan Family said...

that's hilarious! i think if they get money, my kids will be willing to believe in anything. once the tooth fairy forgot matt's tooth (in a situation similar to this) and i just slapped a random p.o. box address and mailed it to white plains with a note to the tooth fairy explaining that she forgot his tooth. i sometimes wonder what the recipient's reaction was.