Monday, November 3, 2008

I'm Out

I had a romanticized idea of blogging every day. It would be a fun challenge, I could write about all the ideas bopping around in my head, I could post more pictures of the kids....

In reality, I just don't have enough interesting thoughts in my head. I don't remember my camera to enough locations to document the kid's events, and if I did post every day, it would be mundane things like my grocery list. Not necessarily something too interesting.
Props to my brother who is did this last year; I'm not sure how he did it. I have a new blogging respect for him.

I figure if I cut loose now, I can save myself the headache of struggling for the next few weeks. Phew... I feel better already.

1 comment:

Stuart and Kimber said...

C'mon! You can still do it! You don't have to do really long ones. And I'm sure a grocery list for 5 children, a dog and a crayfish could be interesting!

Don't back out now! You're just getting started.